Excluding high risk patients from anesthesia in the office-based setting helps us to minimize risk for any adverse events.

After consultation with our doctors, it may be determined that you are not a candidate for office-based anesthesia. If sedation or general anesthesia is still desired, we will work with you and your healthcare providers to schedule your procedure at a local facility with a separate anesthesia team.

Additionally, certain types of oral surgery procedures (or the need for extensive surgical time) may also necessitate scheduling in an outpatient center.

In a hospital or surgicenter, your surgery will still be done by your surgeon from Neponset Valley OMS Associates. Your anesthesia, however, will be administered by an anesthesia team consisting of an anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetists.

In these settings, deeper and full general anesthesia may be administered with a “breathing tube” (endotracheal or LMA) placed to protect and ensure your breathing during your procedure. Due to the deep nature of general anesthesia, you will have no recollection of the procedure.

Once you meet the criteria for discharge, you will be sent home from this facility after receiving instructions from the post-operative care nursing team.